
Some celebrity relationships that you could tell was a blatant cover-up

Some celebrity relationships that you could tell was a blatant cover-up For some time, Ellen Page and Alexander Skarsgard were apparently a couple. If you google their names together, you’ll find an abundance of pictures of them together, quite cosy and couple-y. In retrospect, it’s pretty obviously a cover-up and rather funny — because in 2014, Ellen Page came out as a lesbian woman. And in 2018, she got married to her now-wife, Emma Portner. Her whole style changed since she came out, and now she looks a million times happier and more herself! Funny how things work out in the end. This sort of thing was a lot more common in Hollywood in the olden days, and couples wouldn’t just date to appear straight, hell, they’d even enter ‘lavender marriages’ of convenience only to blend in better with society. Thankfully, in 2019 this isn’t neccessary anymore in most of the first world.

What makes Marvel's Black Widow unique?

What makes Marvel's Black Widow unique? There is an interesting parallel between Natasha Romanoff and the actress that plays her on-screen, Scarlett Johansson. Both have run the risk of being defined by their physical attributes and have had to shed themselves of stereotypical tags – ‘sexy assassin’ in the case of Romanoff and ‘sex symbol’ in Johansson’s case. The actress has never been entirely comfortable with that tag, in fact, she has actively fought against it. I don’t think of myself that way. It’s alright for now. I’m convinced in a couple of years’ time it will be somebody else. I don’t want to always have to be trendy and glamorous and an object of desire. She has often lamented the fact that she was hyper-sexualised and put in a certain bracket. Now, after having established herself as a bonafide superstar and a respected actress, Johansson is in the position to frame her own narrative. Natasha Romanoff made her debut in Iron Man 2 as the ‘sexy secretary,’ – an object of

What was your reaction to Meghan Markle sharing that she had a miscarriage?

What was your reaction to Meghan Markle sharing that she had a miscarriage? A lot of people seem to dislike Meghan Markle an awful lot. She wanted to be the new Diana, but folks in the UK apparently regard her as the new Wallis Simpson instead. I’m not sure what to think, I don’t have any particularly strong opinions on Ms. Markle and her husband. I don’t like her particularly much but I do not also dislike her with a passion. A miscarriage is a tragedy whoever it happens to. And she has every right to open up and share of her misfortune, as talking about it might help her get some closure. Meghan Markle is the sort of woman that would announce her pregnancy at the wedding of an unremarkable and often overlooked junior member of the Royal Family… Harry’s cousin, Eugenie. Thus overshadowing the Princesses’ big day. It’s little stories like this that lead me to believe Meghan Markle may be quite petty. Likely not someone her blue-blooded in-laws would easily warm up to. Add to this mix t

Why some Hindus are prohibited to enter some Hindu temples?

Why some Hindus are prohibited to enter some Hindu temples? Who is Hindu ? K.J. Yesudoss, Name is a Christian Name. But Lifestyle, a Brahmin. As per Sanatana Darma, A hindu. A Pure Hindu. Purity is not coming from Caste or Gender as communist think. It comes from your food. From Your Thougthts. Yesudoss can understand not only Sruthi or Ragam , but also what is a Vritham! Those who can understand what is meant by a Vritham is a Pure Hindu. The Rest do not fall under the Pure Hindu category!  Subramanian Swamy tweets singer KJ Yesudas has converted to Hinduism; tweet goes viral Now on the other side, even if a woman is having a Hindu name Suhasini, working as Newyork times Reporter who had Steak for Breakfast, after drinking Healthy drink start to climb for Trekking in Sabarimala hills with her foreign husband she cannot be considered as Hindu following the Dharma to enter, the Sabarimala Temple! The reason is impurity. Not because of Caste or Gender. But because of Food and Thoughts we

What do Indian's think about USA?

My views are mostly formed from movies, television and news, I've never been to the US. But here it goes:- Cities are very clean and it is easy to find peace and quiet if someone wants to. Very open minded social culture where dating and drinking is common. Of course this has also led to plethora of problems like high incidence of drug induced rapes, teenage pregnancies, alcohol problems, depression after break ups, high incidence of divorce etc. In US most people make enough money to live comfortably, even people doing menial jobs like plumbing. They have the best facilities in houses. Intercoms, piped gas supply, common washing machines, smoke detectors and fire alarms, intrusion detection, 24 hour electricity and drinking water supply throughout the country, bathrooms almost as big as Indian bedrooms, living rooms almost as big as Indian flats.. The list just goes on. Indians' view of USA is generally positive. In many ways Indians (and mostly the millenial generation Indian

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Pace is such a simple concept, But almost impossible to obtain. I believe peace is the most complete understanding and acceptance of humans nobody with others but with themselves also. Peace is the state of not being emotional over-attached to whichever blank you need to fill in. Peace is when share your point of view, relatively uninterrupted and then your opponent shares their under the same conditions. When both sides have had their say, if neither are swayed, peace is both sides being able to say "I dont agree but I still respect you, and can agree to disagree on the point. Peace is when people work together or ague together with the aim of battering the world around them. In simple word peace is feeling that we can go to sleep, peace is a feeling that we can take rest. For me peace is the most important goal of my life. It should be present with all of the humans.